اتصل بنا الصفحة الرئيسية
As part of the registration process you need to agree to the following terms and conditions: you should to be student of qira'atul-qur'an forum (to see the forum click here )
1- . http://www.mt-qiraatt.com/vb/index.php
2- It is important that the student have islamic manners. To know the learning and memorising level (see next page)
3- http://www.mt-qiraatt.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=198
4- the student should fill in the registration form as the availability of timetable and circles.
5- the application will be assessed by the administration.
6- The administration will correspond with the student in the case of the approval of application through an email

I have read the previous conditions and I agree to join to the students of qira'atul-qur'an network